

Cinnamon is a well-known spice which has favourable health effects. It helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level, contributes to a better digestion, promotes heart and blood circulation and facilitates HDL (generation of the “good” cholesterol). Cinnamon is extracted from the bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) of the Lauraceae family which includes evergreen trees or shrubs with a smooth or rough bark which curls into rolls. Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices with a distinct and characteristic aroma and there is a mention about it in the Old Testament of the Bible. It was noted in a Chinese herbarium written about 2,800 years B.C. It was brought to Europe by the solders of Alexander the Great (356-323 years B.C).

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GLUREGUL is a product offering a unique combination of the Shaggy Ink Cap mushroom and plan…

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